Sunday, September 26, 2010


I completed a project this weekend that I have been wanting to try since the summer. I saw this headband in my sewing store weeks ago and knew it would be fun to try. I have taken pictures of it so that you can see up close what I did. This band I made matches the 4-ruffle capris that I made for my granddaughter last weekend. I hope you can see in the picture that I cut 5 circles of cloth the same size (using as a model the top of a jar of jelly). I cut 1 smaller circle and ran a gathering thread around the edge of it. When you pull the gather thread around the smaller circle the cloth will gather up and pull to the center. 
Take 4 of the circles you have cut. Fold each one, edge to edge, until you have a fourth of the circle you started with. Lay each of these 4 side-by-side on top of the 5th circle you cut that is still flat. Sew these in the center with a zig-zag stitch on your machine, just enough to attach them to the flat circle underneath. You will not see the zig-zag stitches after you finish so do not worry! Now attach the gathered circle in the center of your folded circles, gathered side out. Zig-zag attach again. Choose a cute button to put in the center of this and sew it down to attach it. You are through! I had to guess the length of headband to put my "flower" on but I used a piece of elastic so that it will flex to my granddaughter's head. I love the colors and think it will be cute with her matching capris. Try it and see what cute variations you can come up with!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Still Sewing and Celebrating!

I am continuing my celebration of National Sewing Month with a few new finished projects this weekend. I was able to get my granddaughter's ruffed Capri pants put together...and by the way, ALL of those ruffles you see on the legs were HAND RUFFLED...whew! There are 8 in all so I was doing LOTS of football watching while I ruffled yesterday. They are from a new pattern by "Rosie Posie" that you see pictured. This pattern was so much like the Portobello Pixie pattern that I already had that I probably could have used the Portobello Pixie one but, as a true seamstress, when I see a new pattern I really want to try it. This new pattern had one more ruffle so if you like that go with it. Little girls look so cute in ruffles and seem to love them so all of that labor is worth it to me. I serged the raw edge on each ruffle with my roll hem foot and I would DEFINITELY advise was a HUGE time saver. 
The diaper cloths you see pictured are for a new grandmother friend of mine. I wanted her to have cute "girly" burp cloths to use when her first granddaughter arrives next week. I LOVE making these...they are so easy and useful. You cannot have enough and every new Mom needs a bunch those first weeks and months. I love "dolling" them up with trims and ribbons. Buy the Gerber brand cloth diapers at Target or WalMart...make certain they are the cloths with the double panel down the center...that is where your cloth will be sewn on. Then choose a cute ribbon or rick-rack to sew down the edge of the cloth where it meets the diaper. They are adorable with a monogram on them but my machine will not do that...yet! Maybe I can look forward to doing that one day to my burp cloths!
Happy sewing and creating!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Sewing Weekend

My weekend is done and I feel so productive. I completed all of the garments on my list and I am thrilled! I made four pair of pants for my grandson, a john-john suit for him and a skirt for my granddaughter. I am very pleased with the outcome...and that is a great feeling when you try a new pattern and hope it looks as cute as the picture. I posted earlier a picture of the skirt pattern so give it a try of you like really does take longer to cut it out than it takes to make it! I think it needs a little embellishing on the front as I did with a piece of rick rack and a button. 
The pants I made are from a pattern I posted this summer that I use for all of my grandson's pants. I really like it and it can be made with cargo pockets or back pockets. They take no time to make....and if you use a serger your work will be cut in half! They are made from the "Britches and Bloomers" pattern. I used the car fabric and gingham lining to make a pair of the pants and I think they turned out to be my favorite.  
I used the Collars pattern that I also posted this summer to make the car cloth john-john suit. I lined it with orange/green gingham. It is a great pattern...always makes up so easily and so quickly...and looks so professional when you get through. 
I have celebrated National Sewing Month this weekend....YEAH! Happy creating to you!

PS...I must add this. My clever daughter had some adorable labels made for me for my birthday to put in the clothes I make for my grandkids. The last picture is of the labels...I LOVE them and feel so special using them! Cute, huh?!

"My Favorite Skirt" pattern

My labels!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Celebrating National Sewing Month...or a good excuse to SEW!!

I am now deeply into teaching my math courses at the high school where I work...and desperately missing the creative juices that seem to flow so freely when I am not busy trying to prepare lessons and grade papers. So...a sweet young friend, Kim, reminded me last week that it is National Sewing Month and I felt I should take this weekend to celebrate! It also helps that my sweet grandchildren need clothes for these "it is too warm to be fall but we need something besides summer clothes to wear" days. I got busy last night cutting out the patterns and was thrilled to wake up this morning to rain...another GREAT excuse to sew all day today as I welcomed in the SEC football season. I LOVE SEC football and it is wonderful company while I sew away in my bonus room. My husband has gotten accustomed to my screams coming from upstairs when my chosen team scores. He learned early that it was NOT me sewing a needle into my finger...even though I have done that, too!
Here are some early pictures of the cloth and patterns that I am using. I will get back to you as soon as I put the finishing touches on everything. The 3 cloths pictures together are for a skirt I am making for my 4 year old granddaughter. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! The brown cloth with cars, motorcycles and bikes is for a pair of pants and john-john suit for my 2 year old grandson. Be back soon to give you the results!!